Michael Voris is a Catholic that calls out the church on their various scandals and inconsistencies. With the latest news about pedophelia activity, and Milo being accused by the lefties as supporting pedophelia, Michael decided to interview him. It's the first serious interview I've seen with Milo and it's very good.
First of all, let me mention what a handsome guy Milo is, and what beautiful teeth he has! LOL
I've always enjoyed listening to Milo. He is on-point with a lot of my own views on politics and people in general.
I never thought about how it's the lesbians who are truly screwing a lot of things up. They are very militant in their approach and actions. (Not to mention, their overall ugliness. Man, they are ugly, and proud to be ugly!)
The part about more women should be choosing motherhood, I could not agree with more! It is way harder to give up that extra money! Especially when adding another person to your family, will require more money to be spent! Too many people have had children like they are getting a new pet. It's all about appearances, and looking like the "perfect" person who can juggle everything.
I think this is slowly changing, in that more parents are making the decision for one parent to be raising their child. I have been noticing, at Costco, where there are a lot of fathers toting their children around and doing the grocery shopping. I think that's a great idea, because they are not allowing a babysitter or daycare to raise a child they brought into this world.
Regarding GenZ, this is something I have noticed about the kids in the world right now. They are way more compassionate, polite, and generally smarter. (At least compared to my generation) In looking at them, I think there is going to be a lot more conservatives coming into the world, and correcting the decisions and stupidity that is going on now. I have hope for the future, even if I'm not going to be around to see the full effect they will have on the world.
One more thing...I totally disagree with his assessment of Catholic's being Democrats, and left leaning. I have a 2nd cousin, who was on his way to becoming a priest before he found his wife, and got married. He is one of the most Republican people I know. I think my Catholic family, even though traditionally Democrat, had very conservative values. When I registered to vote for the first time, I asked my grandma what party I should put down. She told me that generally, Democrats are for the "Little Guy", people who don't have a lot of money. Republicans are for rich people. It wasn't until later in my life, that I was able to form better decisions, and switched to being Republican.
Yes, he does have pretty teeth! But I can also see that even though he professes to be happy in his life choice, he's not. I've never met a gay that promoted more straight men need to be in this or that. He's definitely conflicted.
I think the Catholic church being primarily moderate - be they democrats or republicans - is changing. Pope Francis is the most leftist pope they've ever had and he's attracting a lot of lefties. He's far too involved in the UN initiatives - climate change, income redistribution, etc. It stands to reason as he was raised in a socialist country. But it also is important to note that he is also working hard to 'bring all religions together'. This is ecumenicism and not necessarily a good thing. It waters down the Word of God to make it palatable to everyone. This is not an area to politicize.
First of all, let me mention what a handsome guy Milo is, and what beautiful teeth he has! LOL
I've always enjoyed listening to Milo. He is on-point with a lot of my own views on politics and people in general.
I never thought about how it's the lesbians who are truly screwing a lot of things up. They are very militant in their approach and actions. (Not to mention, their overall ugliness. Man, they are ugly, and proud to be ugly!)
The part about more women should be choosing motherhood, I could not agree with more! It is way harder to give up that extra money! Especially when adding another person to your family, will require more money to be spent! Too many people have had children like they are getting a new pet. It's all about appearances, and looking like the "perfect" person who can juggle everything.
I think this is slowly changing, in that more parents are making the decision for one parent to be raising their child. I have been noticing, at Costco, where there are a lot of fathers toting their children around and doing the grocery shopping. I think that's a great idea, because they are not allowing a babysitter or daycare to raise a child they brought into this world.
Regarding GenZ, this is something I have noticed about the kids in the world right now. They are way more compassionate, polite, and generally smarter. (At least compared to my generation) In looking at them, I think there is going to be a lot more conservatives coming into the world, and correcting the decisions and stupidity that is going on now. I have hope for the future, even if I'm not going to be around to see the full effect they will have on the world.
One more thing...I totally disagree with his assessment of Catholic's being Democrats, and left leaning. I have a 2nd cousin, who was on his way to becoming a priest before he found his wife, and got married. He is one of the most Republican people I know. I think my Catholic family, even though traditionally Democrat, had very conservative values. When I registered to vote for the first time, I asked my grandma what party I should put down. She told me that generally, Democrats are for the "Little Guy", people who don't have a lot of money. Republicans are for rich people. It wasn't until later in my life, that I was able to form better decisions, and switched to being Republican.
Yes, he does have pretty teeth! But I can also see that even though he professes to be happy in his life choice, he's not. I've never met a gay that promoted more straight men need to be in this or that. He's definitely conflicted.
I think the Catholic church being primarily moderate - be they democrats or republicans - is changing. Pope Francis is the most leftist pope they've ever had and he's attracting a lot of lefties. He's far too involved in the UN initiatives - climate change, income redistribution, etc. It stands to reason as he was raised in a socialist country. But it also is important to note that he is also working hard to 'bring all religions together'. This is ecumenicism and not necessarily a good thing. It waters down the Word of God to make it palatable to everyone. This is not an area to politicize.
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