Saturday, June 29, 2019

To My Ravelry Friends

It appears that Ravelry has jumped on the idiotic bandwagon and has become political. They are now banning any posts related to Trump and his administration due to their 'undeniable white supremacy'.

Now where did they get that idea?

Well, if you're a Ravelry user and click on the link at the bottom of their policy, it will take you to a similar policy set up by an RPGer. This RPGer is a known troll and Trump hater. Since that's as far as Ravelry has appeared to have taken their investigation, it is lacking at best.

Some of you know me and know my politics. I have never felt it appropriate to take those politics anywhere outside of my personal blog and [now defunct] Facebook page. Why? Because that's Rule #1 - never discuss politics or religion with acquaintances or strangers. Politics has no place outside of close like-minded friends or the family dinner table. Secondly, I'd never support a white supremacist. Period.

Ravelry did not learn Rule #1. They have now alienated approximately half of their membership by calling them all white supremacists. And they've said nothing about leaving patterns or posts up that insult Trump in the most vulgar language.

Tolerance is not supporting those you agree with. That's easy and takes no effort. Tolerance is supporting those you don't agree with. Otherwise, you're either simply in agreement and / or not being tolerant.

There is zero evidence to support their claims of white supremacy. Does Trump make it harder for those who support him when he opens his face? Sometimes, most certainly. He's a brash New Yorker and I take him as that. And those that do the same are able to read between the lines.

So with that said, I'm leaving Ravelry. I'll be leaving my patterns up for one week, then they're gone. Too bad they had to go and get stupid.

In the meantime, I'm going to consider if setting up a crochet group of my own is something I want to invest time in again. Should I decide to go there, I'll post with details.

Yarn on!

Click to enlarge for reading

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Monday, February 18, 2019

We Are All Catholic

Pope Francis recently made the statement that, "We are all Catholic and it's time the Protestants come back since the reformation". Ummm... No, we're not all Catholic and the Reformation was for a plethora of very good reasons. Good try at ecumenicism though. Go back to focusing on merging the Catholic Church with Islam.

Rather than me going on for pages and pages, this video provides the history of the churches and how the Catholic Church factors into prophecy.

Monday, February 04, 2019

Muslims demand Nike recall shoes 'with Allah on soles'

Air Max logo resembling Arabic seen as 'blasphemous'

Nike has committed “blasphemy” with its Air Max 270 shoe, charges a petition launched online by a Muslim that was signed by more than 6,000 people within hours.
The sole of the athletic shoe features the words Air Max in a stylized script that the Muslim protesters believe resembles the Arabic script for “Allah,” the Daily Mail of London reported.
Nike has allowed Allah’s name to be “trampled, kicked and become soiled with mud or even filth,” the petition states.
In Islamic culture, the Daily Mail points out, showing the sole of one’s shoe is a sign of disrespect.
“It is outrageous and appalling of Nike to allow the name of God on a shoe. This is disrespectful and extremely offensive to Muslim’s and insulting to Islam,” wrote Saiqa Noreen
She wrote that Islam “teaches compassion, kindness and fairness towards all.”
“We urge Nike to recall this blasphemous and offensive shoe and all products with the design logo resembling the word Allah from worldwide sales immediately.
“We also request stricter scrutiny of products before they enter the market. I urge all Muslim’s and everyone who respects the freedom of religion to sign this petition.”
In 1997, Nike was forced to recall thousands of pairs of Air Bakin’ sneakers, because the word “Air” written on the heel could be read as Allah in Arabic script.
Jihad Watch Director Robert Spencer commented on the outrage.
“Let’s hope that Nike does not bow to the Sharia as it has before, and as have so many others,” he wrote.
“This ridiculousness will have no end until non-Muslims in the West wake up and realize that they are free and that they are not under the Sharia, and too bad if Muslims are offended,” he said.
“Hindus, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Zoroastrians, etc., etc., all get offended, too, without demanding special treatment. All are equal in free societies that allow for pluralism — and offense.”
Spencer noted that in recent weeks, Muslims launched a petition for a boycott of the British retailer Marks and Spencer over toilet paper they claimed featured the name of Allah. Then CAIR, a U.S. group linked to Hamas, successfully pressed Amazon to stop sale of doormats with Quranic verses. There also was outrage over Quranic verses on toilet seat covers.

Link to Original Article

Saturday, February 02, 2019

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Scenes We'd Like to See


With New York passing legislation that allows the abortion of a child up until birth, other states are now jumping on that bandwagon. Their fear is that Roe v. Wade will be overturned and so they're taking steps to codify abortion laws in their respective areas in hopes that it will prevent the Supreme Court from taking such drastic measures as to outlaw it.

If this doesn't exhibit the evil that has taken over our country, I don't what what else will do that for anyone. And it is yet again another example of 'we gave them an inch and now they're taking a mile'.

In the case of Virginia, the proposed bill lost by only one vote. You know they'll keep trying, just as they did with gay marriage. To add insult to injury, the Governor of that state - who happens to be a pediatric doctor, mind you - described a scenario where the baby could be killed after it is born. "The baby would be resuscitated if the mother chooses, kept comfortable, then a discussion would follow."

We can no longer call ourselves a civilized country.

Certain tribes of Israel, in one of their many rebellions against God, served Baal (aka; Ba'al or Moloch). Pagan statues erected to Baal took the form of a golden calves. The people would offer babies and children to Baal as sacrifices, burning them alive at the statue. While the sacrifices were being made, they would engage in heterosexual and homosexual orgies. Appalling doesn't even begin to describe - in fact, any words I come up with fall incredibly short.

A reproduction of the Arch of Baal, (the entrance to his temple that was destroyed by ISIS), was erected in DC just late last year, and is a traveling 'exhibit' making it's way to major cities around the world.
Arch of Ball Erected in DC to Pagans' Delight

For me, the modern-day connections do not go unnoticed. A while ago I posed the question if our country was too far gone for forgiveness. Before I primarily speculated, but leaned toward 'yes'. Now I am certain. Unless we turn around from this sin, our nation is toast and He'll let us all [collectively] have exactly what we want.

It's up to us.

Jesus answered and said to him, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” ~ John 3:3 NKJ.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Heaven & Hell

I am often asked where we go after we die. I had Heaven pretty much nailed, but Hell was always a bit iffy when it came to those that died during the Old Testament vs. those that die during the New Testament. I finally decided to get to the bottom of all of it so I could speak clearly on the subject. But before we go there, it is important to discern what makes someone righteous vs. wicked. To put it simply:

Righteous = Believers. For Old Testament believers, it means they did their best to follow God's laws and atoned for their sins with animal sacrifices. For New Testament believers, it means they have given their lives to Christ, have formed a personal relationship with Him and believe He is their Savior.

Wicked = Non-believers. For Old Testament non-believers, it means they led a sinful life and chose not to follow God. For New Testament non-believers, it means they did not give their lives to Christ and do not recognize Him as God or their Savior. Being a good person doesn't count. 
"For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand and that we should walk in them." Ephesians 2:8-10.

The first thing to know is that there is more than one location where the righteous and the wicked go. We all end up in the same place(s) in the end, but until the final judgment happens, we'll find souls in different places. 

We'll start with the nice places:

Sheol - this is where the righteous are that died during the Old Testament. Although they sacrificed animals to atone for their sin, it wasn't enough to cover their sin completely. Since God cannot look upon imperfection, He prepared a place of paradise for them until His plan was fulfilled and the occurrence of the Rapture.

Heaven (aka; the Mansion) - Before Christ died, He told the apostles: 
"In my Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you." John 14:2 
The souls of those that have died or will die during the time of the New Testament go directly to Heaven.

Hell has a just a few more locations:

Tartarus - This is not the version that you may have learned of in Greek mythology, but there's definitely a story behind it. When God cast Satan and his fallen angels to the earth, the fallen angels took wives among the humans. This was Satan's plan for polluting the blood line that would eventually produce Jesus Christ. If he could pollute that blood line, he could prevent the salvation plan that God had set into motion the moment Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit. The offspring produced from these unions were called the Nephilim. (I'll cover the subject of the Nephilim another time.) When God instructed Noah to build the ark, it wasn't only to rid the world of the wicked, but to also cleanse the blood line. Since Noah's blood line was not corrupted, he and his family were spared from the flood and were chartered to repopulate the earth. Tartarus was the place God prepared for the fallen angels. All other wicked went to:

Hades - Again, not the version from Greek mythology. Hades is located next to Sheol, but there is a gulf that divides them. They can see each other, but they are unable to cross over from one side to the next. The wicked from the Old and New Testaments will remain here until the final judgment.

Bottomless Pit - This is a place reserved for Satan and the False Prophet. They will be cast here when Christ returns to establish the Millennial Kingdom on earth. At the end of the Millenium, Satan will be loosed one more time. The reason for this is, there will be new believers born during the Tribulation period after the Rapture that will not have been transformed. In other words, they will still be human and corruptible. This is the last filter that man will go through and even after they've lived in absolute paradise, there will be those that turn against Him. At the end of the Millennial Kingdom will come the final White Throne Judgment. Those that were transformed during the Rapture and those that did not rebel at the end do not go through this judgment. It is reserved only for the wicked. Satan, the fallen angels and wicked men will be cast into:

The Lake of Fire - (aka, the final Hell - this is it.) The eternal resting place for the wicked where they will be engulfed in eternal flame. They will be in torment and thirst day and night for all eternity.

There is one place that has been taught about that simply does not exist, nor a place that fits its description. There is no purgatory or limbo. God did not create a place to store wicked people so others could "pray them out and into Heaven". We do not have the power nor the authority to make such an effort. Just as we cannot condemn someone to hell, we cannot reward them with heaven. That authority is for God and God alone. There simply are no second chances after death.
"And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment, so Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many. To this who eagerly wait for Him He will appear a second time, apart from sin, for salvation." Hebrews 9:27-28

It is at this point that the dead are risen up along with the living to forever be with the Lord. It is also at this time that we are transformed from our natural state into spiritual beings. No limited bodies fraught with defects or pain. We will be as God always intended us to be until that darn original sin happened. But most importantly, it is the time of great celebration as Christ will marry His Bride (us) and we will be rewarded for our works on earth. This is the only 'judgment' that believers will go through. We will continue to live in Heaven until Christ returns to the earth with us to take it back and establish His Millennial Kingdom.

I've created a timeline (of sorts) to explain all of this graphically:

Click to enlarge

We will reside with Jesus on earth for 1,000 years until the New Earth and the New Jerusalem are created. Christ will take His rightful place on the throne as King in Jerusalem. At the end of the 1,000 years, Satan will be loosed one last time, but his rebellion will be crushed. The final Great White Throne Judgement occurs at this time and Satan, the unbelievers, the fallen angels - all wickedness - will be cast into the Lake of Fire.

At the end of the Millennial Kingdom, the earth will be transformed into the final paradise for all of those that remain after the last judgment. Those that survived the Tribulation will be transformed at this time. There will be no seas or oceans - only the Living Waters that God provides. There will also be no night as God and Jesus will walk among us and They will provide the light. There will be no temple as God and His Son are the temple. The New Jerusalem is the New Heaven and we will be able to go between the New Earth and the New Heaven for all eternity. Words inadequately express the beauty of the New Heaven, but to get a peek, go here:

Revelation 21 - 22

And there you have it. A slightly more complicated explanation than what you may have thought, but what a great explanation it is!

Friday, January 25, 2019

Avengers: Endgame

Not sure if this is a more positive post or not, but at least it's not politics. At least not blatantly 😜 and it's something to look forward to in April!

Thursday, January 24, 2019

New York is Celebrating

Governor Cuomo signed into law to legalize abortions up to birth. On demand, for any reason. He even ordered the World Trade Center to light up pink to celebrate.

Mind you, there is no death penalty in New York for criminals accused of murder, but it's OK to murder a baby.

In response, a used book store closed up shop for the day and posted this sign:

Kudos to the book store owner. If only more people would speak up and make a fuss. Abortions are now the #1 reason for death in our country. So much for legislated 'morality'.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Send a Brick

I'm on a gazillion political email lists and lately, I've received numerous emails from several different organizations to send a brick to Nan and Chuckie. Some will be printed with "Build the Wall", others printed with your name, one being virtual, etc.

I've got a better idea. Send a Lego brick. 1) Everyone who has had a kid in their house has a lego brick somewhere, 2) Cheaper postage 3) Easier for the postal carrier to deliver, 4) It's funnier but still makes the point and 5) It's one less Lego to step on with your bare feet in the middle of the night. You can even send a Lego construction worker along with it and still pay minimum postage.

If you want to personalize your brick, all it will take is a Magic Marker and you're ready to go!

And there's your brainstorm for the day!

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Milo Interviewed by Michael Voris

Michael Voris is a Catholic that calls out the church on their various scandals and inconsistencies. With the latest news about pedophelia activity, and Milo being accused by the lefties as supporting pedophelia, Michael decided to interview him. It's the first serious interview I've seen with Milo and it's very good.

Israel Honors Trump and King Cyrus

An Israeli organization said Wednesday it has minted a coin bearing President Donald Trump's image to honor his recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital. The Mikdash Educational Center said the "Temple Coin" features Trump alongside King Cyrus, who 2,500 years ago, allowed Jews to return to Jerusalem from their exile in Babylon.

Rabbi Mordechai Persoff said that Trump, like Cyrus, made a "big declaration that Jerusalem is the capital of the holy people."

His organization minted 1,000 biblical half-shekel coins that can be purchased with a minimum donation of $50. The coin cannot be used as currency.

Mikdash bills itself as a non-profit educational and religious organization. The donations will "help spread the light of Jerusalem and the spirit of the Holy Temple throughout the world," it said.

Israel has warmly welcomed Trump's move, which angered Palestinians.

The Trump coin is likely to rile Iranians, who uniformly respect King Cyrus as an ancient Persian hero.
© 2018 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.

A Great Ben Shapiro

If you haven't yet seen this video, take a look. He's on fire!

Monday, January 21, 2019

NWO MAP, 1942

I stumbled upon this New World Order Map that was drawn up in 1942, just after WWII. This map shows the world divided into 10 nations. From a Christian perspective, this is straight out of the Book of Revelation. 

Click to enlarge

But apart from that, I also found it interesting that in the title block at the bottom, in smaller bold print, it's subtitle is the New World Moral Order (for permanent peace, freedom, justice, sovereignty and world reconstruction). Whose moral order would that be? Certainly not God's as He has never endorsed one-world governments. Just look at Babel. He told the people to go out and populate the earth, but instead, they stuck together, formed a single government and started building a 'tower to reach God'. He not only destroyed the tower, but he scattered their tongues so they couldn't understand each other, which forced them to go their various ways. But I digress... 

Mostly, I noticed that Honduras was included as part of the U.S. (referred to as U.S.S.A. in the notations below the map). Now that makes me go "hmmm...". 

Segue to Emmanuel Macron, the current president of France. Both the EU and the UN are raising this guy up as the 'Savior of Europe'. The image below is just one of dozens of magazine covers I found on this guy. He has spoken openly of forming a 10-nation confederacy for which he wants to lead. Keep your eyes on this guy - he's up to no good. 

What I find most disconcerting is that no one - and I mean NO ONE - is talking about globalism, in all of it's morbid detail, on any public forum. When you take a visit to the UN website, their agenda is quite clear. And forced migration is one of their primary goals. In fact, late last year, 164 countries signed the UN's Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM). This pact promotes, enables and protects unfettered migration. Open borders to everyone, and each country is required to inform people on how to become 'nation shoppers'. For now, it's a non-binding agreement. For now. 

UN Global Compact for Migration 

This compact also requires that any government funded or subsidized news reporting agency cannot speak out against GCM. Should they defy this, their funding / subsidies are revoked. If you think we have fake news now, just wait. Fortunately, the U.S. did not sign this compact. We can thank Trump and Nicky Haley for that. But should the next president be a globalist, you can bet that we'll join up. 

So essentially, these 164 countries have abdicated their borders to the UN - which means they are no longer sovereign countries. The UN is now sovereign over them. 

And now you know why the democrats are fighting tooth and nail against the wall that they once supported. Sure, it's also about foiling Trump, but they're serving a higher agenda. The useful idiots don't know what's happening, but the globalists in our government certainly do. 

And if I don't start hearing more about the UN and their plans for domination from the political pundits that I subscribe and donate money to, and they just stick only with obvious headlines and 'safe' topics for fear of being demonetized by YouTube, I may have to consider no longer funding them. We have reached critical mass and we no longer need to be treated as the chorus. In the end, it's not right vs. left. The lefties are just UN lap dogs with a host of useful idiots. The ones we need to go after are the globalists - and they're on both sides of the aisle.