Yep, farting poodles. It's actually a cover for an air freshener can. Kitchy project, but fun. I've named him Piedmont le Pew. For those that can't stand it and must have a farting poodle of their very own, you can find the pattern here at Tacky Living. It's reminiscent of those poodle liquor bottle covers that graced most homes in the 60s. Admit it. Your house had one. I remember that my mom made poodle liquor bottle covers for virtually everyone she knew and they displayed them proudly as the children shrunk in mortification! Now that us childrens have grown up, the farting poodle brings back fond memories, doesn't it? :D
On the hubby front, we have two appointments today. One with a neurologist and the other with the chemotherapist. Today is the day we hold our breath as we get the results from all of the tests and the game plan for his treatment. Fingers crossed everyone! And thanks to those that have sent me their best wishes and to just let me know they're thinking of us.