Saturday, June 20, 2020

Our Fearless Moron Speaks

Our Idiot Governor Gavin Newsom, (yes, that's his official title), has evidently decided that things were going too well in CA and he just couldn't have that. He announced on the 18th that the wearing of masks in all public places - both indoors and out - is now mandatory. This flies in the face of even the Evil Dr. Fauci who indicated that the wearing of masks is mostly symbolic.

Just watch until you hear the Pat Screech - about 8 minutes in

You can read / download the new conditions here.

I did manage to find some humor in the exceptions area. If you have a medical condition that makes wearing a mask difficult or impossible, they indicate that you should wear a face shield. So let's all dress up like we're extras in Demolition Man, shall we?

I went to the doctor last week for my bi-annual lab work that I have to do. I was accosted by several people as I was about to enter the building. One person stopped me to take my temperature and slapped a sticker on my sleeve indicating that I was 'OK'. Another person stopped me because I wasn't wearing a mask and made me wait while another person gave me one to put on. All through the area were huge, tall signs posted informing me of the virus and what I could do to keep from catching it or spreading it. (Like we haven't been inundated with this news 24/7 for the past several months.) I, of course didn't read any of them. Needless to say, it was a long gauntlet to run through before I actually got to the door.

Diversion: Learn About Gauntlets

When I went to check in, I had to answer a series of questions. 'Have you had the virus?', 'Have you been around anyone who has the virus?', (How would I know?), 'Do you have difficulty breathing?', 'Have you had a fever?', etc. Confess, proletariat! I was sooo tempted to respond with "2+2=5" and "I love Big Brother", but got control of myself. Instead, I just rolled my eyes and told her anything I've experienced was not associated with any virus. The girl sitting next to her giggled.

While I was sitting in the waiting area, a young girl sat across from me who was wearing both a cloth mask and an acrylic face shield. The mechanism used on the face shield for keeping it on her head was an elastic band. The shield itself was wide open at the top, bottom and sides, so it would only protect her from a direct spew-blast to the face. Plus her mask and shield were color-coordinated in a pretty pink pattern. Quite stylish, (I guess).

This song ran through my brain as I was looking at her

Anyone taller than her or standing to her side could spew down / over and still infect her through her eyes. She was not a tall person and I had to really work hard to not laugh out loud at her overreactive silliness. But that's just me. I have a habit of seeing silly and / or irrational human behavior everywhere I go. Then I have to stop and ask God for forgiveness as I repent and continue to work on my cynical and sarcastic view of the world.

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