Thursday, June 18, 2020

I Snuck a Massage

Well, 'snuck' is an exaggeration. I was driving down Florida St. and noticed a banner announcing chiropractic, acupuncture and massage therapies. Since the place I normally go to was still closed and busy making useless masks, (because anyone with half a neuron knows you can catch the virus through your eyes), I jotted down the phone number and betrayed Hands of Mercy.

I was a bit disappointed with the massage, (she needs to go back to school and learn how to massage heads and feet), but as I was lying there, I recalled that chiropractic treatments cured me of migraines several years ago and decided to book an appointment for my back on my way out. It definitely couldn't hurt and I'm sick and tired of the back and leg pain. Considering I'm not getting anywhere with my doctor - who just prescribes 600mg ibuprofen that doesn't do diddly squat - I certainly couldn't get any worse.

I've had two adjustments so far and I've experienced a little bit of progress. I can stand / walk a teeny bit longer than usual, so I'm hopeful. He developed a treatment plan, which I've never had before with any chiropractor I've seen, so that's encouraging as well. I'm all out of whack from my neck to my lower back so he's recommending 2 adjustments per week for 6 weeks followed by maintenance visits after. I'm game. I'll let you know how it goes from here.

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